El ámbito local como escenario y motor del desarrollo. Agroindustrias, integración vertical y espacio rural


  • Graciela Nogar Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
  • Marcelo Posada Departamento de Ciencias Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad Nacional de Luján



Palabras clave:

desarrollo regional y local


In the present time, the rural development plans, designed and executed from out, are letting space to other programs, of minor wingspan that traditional but more rooted in the rural reality, as are the proposals of Í€œlocal developmentÍ€. Example of this is the promotion and shoring the rural industrialization to depart to the same productions obtained in it. In this work we accomplish a panoramic vision of the results reached in those regions where the rural industrialization reached certain development level, and we center us in a special type, as is that who designate AIBRu: integrated agroindustries of rural base. It is considered agroindustries that are integrated vertically but that has not the origin in the transformation, it not in the primary production. The study of case that we effect with the end of recapturing the dynamic potentiality for the rural areas of this type of undertake, we are effecting it over a located district to the southeast of Buenos Aires, Argentina, characterized by the stocks of AIBRus of milk transformation.


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Cómo citar

Nogar, G., & Posada, M. (1996). El ámbito local como escenario y motor del desarrollo. Agroindustrias, integración vertical y espacio rural. Revista EURE - Revista De Estudios Urbano Regionales, 22(66). https://doi.org/10.7764/1125


